Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Voices of the Day: Radical Something

From a recent Unheard Undergrad post, Radical Something drops the acoustic version to their track Gonna Be Good from their September mixtape, We Are Nothing. This version serves simply to prove that the talent of this band is real and doesn't need all the ruffles and feathers, though they sound great both ways. With a simple refrain and sweet guitar line, this song is impossible not to like. Take a moment, forget about all that work you have to catch up on, Radical Something is here to make you feel better.

In listening to more of Radical Something's work, they not only make quality songs that synthesize hip hop, R&B, and acoustic rock, they make emotionally effective music. On a scene of emerging musicians created by the guerrilla marketing tactics of social media, this band floats on top of the game. Where talented artists are making names in their own right, it's difficult to find a collaboration, like Radical Something, that functions so well together. For a breath of fresh-air, take a ride through We Are Nothing, you'll come out feeling good.

Keep an eye on these boys, they're going places.

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