Featured Colleges

 We've Had the Honor of Featuring Unheard Undergrads from:
Loyola University Maryland- Trey Palms
Nassau Community College- J. Ragnanan
Tulane University- Kam Royal
Belmont University- Truth Himself
Brandeis University- Aziz
Penn State University- Greg Falatek
Berkeley College- Joseph Vincent
University of Colorado- Brenton Duvall
University of Pennsylvania- Hoodie Allen
Cornell University- Kinetics and One Love
Syracuse University- IMG
Guilford College- Beau Young Prince
Otis College of Art and Design- Jenny Suk
Hofstra University- SoLo
Montgomery College- Logic
Tufts University- Timeflies  
North Carolina State University - Eddy B and Tim Gunter
University of North Carolina - Eddy B and Tim Gunter 
Colgate University -  Fisch